Saturday, May 1, 2010



RATED - NR but probably G/PG for some thematic elements.

RATINGS - 179 Amazon (4.5/5), 68,259 Netflix (4.0/5), 1228 IMDB (9.2/10).

STARRING - Every well known and not so well known baseball player who has contributed to the success of the sport since its beginning.

STORY - This is Ken Burns' epic series on the history of baseball. It is 10 discs for a total of about 20 hours. You don't have to watch them all and you don't have to watch in the chronological order they were produced but once you start it is hard to stop. Even those who may consider themselves marginal baseball fans can enjoy this amazing series. Baseball is so much a part of the history of our country since it began in the 1850's - yes, that's right they played baseball during the Civil War. Sometimes it reflects our culture (racial discrimination until Jackie Robinson) and sometimes it creates culture (hundreds of leagues at all ages playing the game in the beginning). Nobody does documentaries about our life in America better than Ken Burns and he is at his best with BASEBALL. He does a great job of bringing in political and cultural influences on the sport. The sport of baseball and particularly professional baseball does not exist in a vacuum and is subject to the same outside influences as any other institution in America. And, yes, there really was some good in the 'good old days' but there was also a lot that needed fixing and you will experience both during this series. As someone who once stood countless times along the chalk baseline in a straight row with teammates and sang the National Anthem waiting to hear the umpire say 'let's play ball', I can honestly say this is a priceless story of the game of baseball. Thanks, Ken Burns, for helping all of us understand why baseball is America's pastime and so much a part of American life. And for all those whose overly efficient mothers threw out their boxes of baseball cards when they went away to college, this is for you. And for all those sisters (I know at least four) who had to watch hundreds of their brothers' games growing up, this may help you to understand why he was so passionate about the game. Enjoy!!


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