Saturday, June 27, 2009



RATING - NR but G/PG. Family friendly but probably not much interest below mature teens.

RATED - 6 Amazon (5/5), 3,790 Netflix (3.6/5).

STORY - This collection consists of four discs covering a broad range of work by Murrow, arguably setting the gold standard for journalism since the beginning of television. He was determined to make sure this new medium would be used with the greatest possible integrity while at the same time being immensely entertaining. There is no doubt he accomplished his goal and, fortunately, some have tried hard to imitate him and maintain credibility with audiences while, unfortunately, others have deteriorated into the journalistic versions of professional wrestling. The disc, THE MCCARTHY YEARS, was the basis for the very successful movie GOOD NIGHT AND GOOD LUCK. Those five words were his trademark parting message every show. The four DVD's include the story of Murrow and his start in radio in London during WWII, clips from his show, 'See It Now' on location in Korea during that conflict, his journey into the South during the Civil Rights demonstrations and a very interesting interview with Grandma Moses. The last two discs are the complete shows of his confrontation with Joseph McCarthy, the Jr. Senator from Wisconsin challenging his communist witch hunt activities in the Senate, including McCarthy's response, and the full show on Thanksgiving Day in 1960 about the plight of migrant workers called "Harvest of Shame", one of the most famous documentaries of all time. A must watch for those who want to see what television has the potential to be and do. There was only one Edward R. Murrow. Unfortunately, a heavy smoker, he died from lung cancer at the age of 57. Nostalgia for some, but maybe a challenge and a goal for those considering journalism and the media as a career. Lu G. for Lu's Reviews. 06/27/2009.


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