SUMMARY - This is the PBS documentary in six one hour segments narrated by Michael Wood. A good place to start to get the overall picture of this amazing country. The blu-ray version is as cheap as the regular version and brings the country and people alive through great camera work. 4.5/5, 4/5, 8.7/10 ratings.
STORY - You can't understand India without understanding the Ganges River and this three part BBC production is simply stunning in its photography of the river, the wildlife and the people that live on its banks. Almost 10% of the ENTIRE world's population lives within the Ganges' basin.
STORY - Starring Olivia Hussey as Mother Teresa, this made for TV movie is a wonderful portrayal of an amazing woman. Mother Teresa has become synonymous with Christian works of charity because of her work with the dying in Calcutta. Not only a family friendly story of her work but more insight into a segment of India's culture and the steel will of this woman who was determined to love the unlovable as Christ would love them. 4.5/5, 3.9/5, 7/10 ratings.
STORY - This is a documentary about Mother Teresa. Follow her around Calcutta and the world as she ministers to those forgotten by the rest of society. Her powerful witness to the love of Jesus is seen not only in the slums of the world but as she speaks to students at Harvard, the UN and world leaders around the globe. Her drive and determination to help those rejected by their communities are an inspiration to everyone. 5/5, 3.6/5, 7.3/10.
STORY - This film won the 2005 Oscar for BEST DOCUMENTARY. It is the story of eight children of prostitutes in Calcutta's red light district, an area of extreme poverty and crime. Zana Briski is a free lance photographer who has been trying, unsuccessfully, to do a picture story of the red light district and the prostitutes who live there. She decides to choose eight children of the 'workers' and give them cameras and teach them photography to tell their own stories. She falls in love with these children and sets on a mission to get them out of their environment and break the destructive patterns they are most likely to live out. This is their story, the successes AND the failures. At the same time, both heart breaking and uplifting. One person can make a difference in someone Else's life if they care enough to sacrifice. 4/5, 3.8/5, 7.8/10 ratings.
I was inspired to watch these films as a result of our son's recent trip to India. He was profoundly affected by what he saw in the country and particularly in the slums as well as his visit to Mother Teresa's facility. Here is a link to his blog. It is hard for those of us who live in the West to understand the culture and the way of life in that fascinating part of the world where the majority of the world's population lives.
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