Saturday, December 15, 2007



RATED - R for disturbing violent content & language.

RATINGS - 30 Amazon (4/5), 277 IMBD (7.7/10), 20,708 Netflix (3.8/5).

STARRING - Our veterans.

THEMES - The horrors of war and the after effects on individuals.

STORY - This is not an easy film to watch. First of all, let me say that I did not view this film from a political viewpoint (even though it is clearly not promoting the war) and would encourage anyone who watches to see it as the story of these young men and women and their experience in a war. At the very least, they went to serve our country and defend us and I believe it is an obligation to at least listen to their story. They are now living with the consequences of knowing they deliberately killed innocent children and women (as in running over children who happened to get in the way of their vehicle). They are psychologically scarred and physically disabled (in many cases) for life. In the best scenario war is horrible and tragic and this reminds us of how reluctant we need to be about going to war no matter the cause. This documentary brings it a little closer to home-these are our sons and daughters, neighbors and friends in a war that is still going on. This is their story. Hear it for what it is, knowing that there are others who may tell a different story which is just as valid. The government has estimated it will take $300 BILLION to take care of the Iraq veterans the rest of their lives. My hope is that this would inspire all of us to remember those who have served and reach out to them when they return. Regardless of a person's position on the war, we cannot abandon or forget them. It's rated R for graphic war violence and language you don't hear in church.


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